JAYA's Cleanse herbs are grown in the best naturally nutrient-rich soils under the shadow of the volcanoes of Southeast Asia. Nature has had the answer all along and it begins with the finest proprietary blends of herbal extracts which are designed to renew the health of all your cells.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, digestive health is the foundation of great and lasting health. Nourishing your digestive system will allow your body to achieve optimum physical, and cellular health. Created by a Chinese Doctor with 48 years of experience, JAYA Cleanse is formulated using Traditional Chinese Medicine. If you are feeling blocked up, JAYA Cleanse might be the answer for you. What makes JAYA Cleanse stand out is that it is a non-addictive formulation designed to bring soothing relief to a congested bowel.* That means you won't build a tolerance to it. Whereas taking Senna, Cascara Segrada or other harsh laxatives you may run that risk.*
Just take 1-2 capsules before bed.
Just pure quality ingredients!
Rhei Radix (Rhubarb - Root)
Guazumae Folium (West Indian Elm - Leaf)
Granatus Fructus (Pomegranate - Rind)
Zingiber Montanum (Cassumunar Ginger - Root)
Rhei Radix (Rhubarb Root Extract)
The anthraquinone-containing compounds of Rhei Radix (Rhubarb) serves to loosen fecal matter in the bowel.*
Guazumae Folium (West Indian Elm Leaf Extract)
Extract helps to inhibit the absorption of fat and increases the removal of fat through defecation. It benefits the body by lubricating the gastrointestinal system and it is often used to help with healthy weight loss.*
Granatus Fructus (Pomegranate Rind Extract)
Reduce inflammation of the intestine and swelling of hemorrhoids, tightens intestinal lining, and improves digestion.*
Zingiber Montanum (Cassumunar Ginger Root Extract)
Reduces inflammation of the colon and may reduce the chance of developing colon cancer.*
*Bottle may come with a different label than shown